Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sunday kicked off my Las Vegas preparation marathon. I'm probably more excited about this trip than I should be...I know I'm going to miss Chloe. But, I feel like I should be going through some sort of mourning process and I'm not. I mean shouldn't the thought of leaving my daughter behind for the first time EVER make me sad? Maybe it's because I know she'll be in good hands. I hope there's not something wrong with me or I'm a terrible mom for not dreading leaving my daughter for a few days.

I know there are certain people that will think that's terrible. I also know other people will say that it's normal and healthy to enjoy time away from your children. Either way, I'm sure a few tears will be shed when I actually get to the airport.

One thing that has me worked up is this Southwest Airlines thing. It makes me want to put together a will (just in case). I know it's irresponsible that we haven't yet. I like to think that our families know our wishes. Either way, I should probably get on that. Maybe I'll do it today. After I pay the bills, do the laundry, clean the bathroom and the bedroom, organize Chloe's room, shop for some supplies for my parents stay at our house, and rework my wardrobe plans for the trip (it's supposed to be in the 50s and raining while we are in Vegas...seriously? It's the DESERT).

Doesn't it seem like I have an undoable list of things to accomplish for this trip? What exactly have I done you ask? I called the pediatrician to make sure Chloe's nagging cough didn't warrant a trip to see them. I also found out what documentation I needed to leave so that my parents could make medical decisions. I've done a bit of laundry and I bought a dress for our Vegas date night (when we go see Crazy Horse).

I better hop to it.


  1. Kim, I am so proud of you. You are so organized. As a young mother you set a good example for others. It is wonderful you and Mark are taking a short trip to build nice memories together. Don't let the weather bother you,the palm trees were covered in snow on one of our trips. Hope Chloe's cough is better.

  2. Have a great time- she will be in good hands! And I do hope her cough gets better. Julianna had a cough for a few days, and then it just went away - very weird.

    Not to be a downer, but yes, a will is very important. YOu never want anyone else guessing how you would want your child taken care of. It sucks to think about it but we all have to ...
    With that said... we still have to do ours too... *sigh*


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