Saturday, April 23, 2011

Get Fit. Get Healthy. Week 12

Your weight (if you don't feel comfortable sharing this, you don't have to): I've been fluctuating between 138 and 139 all week. I think it's fair to say I'm in the 130s now! I've been waiting for this. I'm soooo close.

Your fitness challenge(s) for the week: Continuing to hit the gym. Weights 3x a week and cardio 5x.

Your food challenge for the week: Keep on trucking with the veggie diet.

How well did it go: This past week went pretty well. Mark was out of town for most of it. I found it difficult to cook with Chloe and no help so I ended up having take-out one night. It was tofu pad thai (my favorite).

Failures and slip-ups: Same as above. I missed the gym on Thursday and Friday. 

Weekly challenge wisdom: Yes you can. 

Advice to fellow GET FIT members: Don't become complacent. This week I've struggled with complacency. It's a dangerous place to be. I'm happy because I feel like I've made a lot of progress, I fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear since college (some are too big) and it's easy to start slacking off. Remember your goals and continue to push toward them. Each week that I slack off is another week added to the length of time it will take me to reach my goal.

Your Magic Selfie (optional but strongly encouraged): No selfie but check out Chloe's Easter pictures on the post below!

1 comment:

  1. You're so right with your advice! Plus it's important to get used to it as your permanent lifestyle. once you reach your goal you won't have to work so hard, but you'll still need to eat healthy and exercise daily It just won't be such a chore. I'm luckily there already and I am loving it, honestly!


Thanks for reading!