Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Sneak Peak

Chloe and I stepped outside today to get some pictures of her in the adorable Easter outfit Shorty made. It was pretty wet outside this morning so I didn't get to take the amount of time I was hoping for to get the 'perfect' shot. However, Chloe surprised me by giving me a few adorable poses. She certainly gets prissy when she puts a dress on these days.

When we were finished taking photographs, I asked her to "Come inside so you don't get your dress yucky." She misunderstood and thought that she had already made a mess on her dress. She freaked. There were tears galore while she sobbed, "My princess dress is ruined." Thankfully, I was able to explain to her that the dress was fine and she calmed down. 
These are the things she does that make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Sweet girl, you are so very passionate about life and everything you do.


Thanks for reading!